Transits Blog

Why Article Submission Sites are Important For SEO?: Understanding about Astrology transits

Astrology transits are a term which used by the astrologers which refer to where the planets are being positioned in the sky in relationship to the astrological chart.

    Astrology transits are a term which used by the astrologers which refer to where the planets are being positioned in the sky in relationship to the astrological chart. The planet is in the transit, and moving on its way to another location. When we look up at the sky in the night from our position on the earth we can see the movements of the planets in relationship to our movement as the orbit of earth rotates around the Sun.

    To find out what transits astrology you are under you need to look at the relationship of the planets which are in the sky and of the planets in natal horoscope. All the planets are positioned somewhere in a 360 degree wheel, and the 12 astrological signs each one have 30 degrees equallingwhich makes 360 degrees. The current transits which has the most impact they are from the planets which are furthest away from the Sun to our personal or the inner planets. Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have the biggest impact on the changes happening in life. The inner planets such as Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, and the Mercury transiting your chart, or from where the planets were on the day and the time you were born do not have the same kind of impact as the outer planets.



    For example, if you are coming under the astrology transit of the planet Saturn conjunct your Sun then the influence of the planet Saturn is impacting to the meaning of your Sun. The Sun represents our wellbeing, and our vitality, or what we are doing in our lives, such as job. When you have a Saturn transit to your Sun then you are under a time frame where the influence of the Saturn, seriousness, hard work, responsibility, is pressuring to your Sun. This usually impacts on your work and health, if you are not doing what you actually need to do then your work and health can become troublesome and burdensome. You might keep changing jobs or you find that there is an issue which comes up around your health. Because of the Saturn's orbit around the Sun is close to 29 years Saturn transits to your Sun andit will be in orb for at least about seven months.

    When you are doing an astrology blog on the learning of astrology then you have to be clear on everything as in the learning you have to first pay the attention to the outer planets than to the inner planets. Check on the exact degree of the outer planets whichrelates to the exact degree of the inner planets. The powerful astrology transits are actually felt with the exact degree and at a hard angle to the natal chart. The hard angles are 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 0 degrees and 45 degrees. The tension from these kind of astrology transits give you enough push to create a significant tension to make changes in your going life.

    You can also put the changes that are going to happen under astrology transits in your astrology blog post which describes it much better. As these changes are depend upon the individual transit and the destiny in the natal chart.

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